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SimpleSYN Standard
The synchronization solution for small businesses and private individuals.
Synchronizes Outlook between multiple Windows PCs in a local network.
- Fully automatic synchronization in the local network
- Powerful solutions for synchronization conflicts
- Free features like a duplicate finder
- No cloud storage of Outlook data
Version: 6.8 (Build 19518)
Size: 27.56 MB
Size: 27.56 MB

SimpleSYN Business
The synchronization solution for companies and teams.
Synchronize Outlook between multiple Windows PCs over the Internet.
- Incl. all features of SimpleSYN standard
- Independent of location through Internet synchronization
- Powerful filter function
- Advanced synchronization settings
- Start SimpleSYN as a Windows service
Version: 6.8 (Build 19518)
Size: 27.56 MB
Size: 27.56 MB

SimpleSYN Mobile
The synchronization solution for smartphones and tablets
Synchronizes Outlook between Windows PC and iPhone, iPad or Android device.
- Bidectional synchronization between all devices
- Synchronize in your local network or via the Internet
- No cloud storage of Outlook data
Version: 3.2 (Build 13520)
Size: 53.83 MB
Size: 53.83 MB